We landed on the earth, and made it our home. As “the first skin of space”, “Ugan concept” brings the nature indoors. It dissolves floor’s concept which is based on geometry,and expands it from ground to the top and vertical side.

Established in 2015, “Ugan concept” is a designer floor brand with its designing concept of “presenting wood’s beauty by its nature”. In order to well present work in which function and aesthetics coexist, the designing group and craftsmen of “Ugan concept” integrate the beauty of life power growing between rings, the beauty of the incomplete of naps and gaps on the wood, and the beauty of original simplicity of aged wood.

There are four series under the brand “Ugan concept”, named “(ben)”, “(mo)”, “(shu)”and “(wei)”. “(ben)” series mainly involves presenting wood’s original features; “(mo)”series mainly features the redesign and reutilization of aged floor boards; “(shu)”series covers special crafts of floor such as parquet floor, mortise and tenon, and repairing; “(wei)”series is the innovation engine of the brand, exploring the future of the brand with pioneer products.

我们降落在大地,并于其上安家,“感物”作为“空间的第一层肌肤”,将自然引入室内,它消解了地板基于几何学的定义,使之可以离开脚底,从空间的顶面、立面蔓延开来, 让那些落满光阴的木料,在沉默空间里可以进行自由的对话。

2015年创立于杭州的“感物 Ugan concept”,是一个以“顺势而为地呈现木之美”为设计理念的设计师地板家居品牌,“感物”设计团队与工匠们将年轮旋转出的生命力量之美, 疤、结、痕、裂的残缺之美和旧木风化后的返璞之美溶解在了每一块地板内,以呈现出功能与美学共生的作品。

“感物 Ugan concept” 名下拥有“本”、“末”、“术”、“未”四个系列,其中“本” 系列主要是原木的本色呈现;“末”系列主打老地板的再设计与再利用;“术”系列涵盖了地板的艺术拼花、卯榫与缮等特殊工艺;“未”系列是品牌的创新引擎,是“感物”探索未知的先锋性产品。